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Tuesday, November 22, 2022



So we've come across people who behave in a way that we don't understand; these people may seem friendly and yet overly controlling, above all they just step on our toes, they are extremely annoying. They love arguing about what barely is important, commanding unnecessarily, finding fault in others and judging a lot. With narcissists finding peace becomes hard even if you are a peaceful person.

What are the behaviors of a narcissist?

Narcissists don't apologize easily

Do you know that narcissists don't easily apologize even if they are on the wrong and if they do, they always complain later about how you were complaining and made them to apologize. These people barely have a conscience, they appear nice but let conflict be there, you will curse the day you met them. Some don't apologize but instead find a way of criticizing you in order to make you be the one to apologize, some narcissists apologize while wanting to benefit. Narcissists by the way know that they are in the wrong and will make a joke about it. I have just given a live example in this video

Narcissists think they are perfect

Narcissists believe they are never at fault, that's actually why they don't apologize. They believe what they say or think is the correct idea and so they have this habit of criticizing other people. If they are Christians, they will believe they never sin and that the rest are sinners. If they are co-workers they will believe their  ideas are the most perfect. 

Narcissists criticize a lot.

Starting from the tone of your voice to the way you are dressed, a narcissist will just deliberately destroy your day. You can never have peace. The day you will practically say you don't know how to sing and then when you perfect your voice, they will tell you give up. They are designed to damage people's self esteem. There was once a girl who learnt how to dance and her husband told her no, you don't know how to dance, this is how to.

Narcissists are unnecessarily irritable.

They get irritated over what doesn't exist and love creating assumptions for no reasons. If Bob is a narcissist and his beautiful sister Hellen decides to give him his own copy of the key to the house, Bob, will think his sister is trying to chase him out of the house because he is becoming an inconvenience, which is not true. 

Narcissists make expensive jokes

They don't have boundaries and so they will crack jokes which are actually annoying. They will joke about your mother's ghost coming back if she's late

Narcissists lack empathy

If you sad, they will face the other side and concentrate on their movie and never say sorry or comfort you. And on the day they feel like sex and you fall sick, they will curse the whole world and get annoyed with you, instead of focusing on your recovery. They are in short terms extremely selfish.

Narcissists love fantasizing a lot.

Even if they are not working, they will think about the most gorgeous house with 100 floor they are to live in the next month. I once had a friend who in his sick bed would call people asking for huge amounts of money or expensive items because he claimed God didn't design him for cheap things even if he couldn't afford

Narcissists envy others a lot

They are jealous of every successful being out their, including you if you are their friends and so they tend to get annoyed when they see someone successful.

Narcissists didn't end in the Napoleonic error. By the way, did you know that narcissists don't wear a gloomy face all the time, they are actually nice people who every body would wish to live with.

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